Showing 13–18 of 18 results


Original price was: $150.00.Current price is: $135.00.200gms
The raspberry is the fruit of the raspberry shrub or bramble. This plant grows wild in several regions of Europe,

Spinach (Paalakura)

Spinach is a leafy green vegetable with a fibrous texture. Bitter-sweet in taste, its tender and juicy leaves can be

Strawberry Juice

These potent little packages protect your heart, increase HDL (good) cholesterol, lower your blood pressure, and guard against cancer. Packed

Tender Coconut

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $50.00.1
Tender coconut is considered a healthy source of nutrition. It is a good refreshing drink to beat the hot summer


Sliced watermelon is one of the easiest and tastiest snacks — other than fruits or veggies eaten out of hand.